Set Of Lojong Tonglen Meditation Cards


Set Of Lojong Tonglen Meditation Cards

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Set of 59 Lojong Tonglen cards (Lojong (pronounced ‘LOW-JOHN’) means ‘Mind Training’ in Tibetan. Rooted in Mahayana Buddhism, the Lojong teachings use slogans, sometimes known as the 7 Points of Mind Training, for training the mind in compassion. Tonglen (pronounced ‘TONG-LEN’) is a meditation practice associated with Lojong teachings. Lojong Slogan Cards are a support for this discipline. Both Pema Chödrön and her teacher Chögyam Trungpa have books on Lojong which include instruction in Tonglen practice.

"In the Mahayana tradition we experience a sense of gentleness toward ourselves, and a sense of friendliness to others begins to arise. That friendliness or compassion is known in Tibetan as nyingje, which literally means "noble heart." We are willing to commit ourselves to working with all sentient beings. But before we actually launch into that project, we first need a lot of training."

– Chögyam Trungpa, from Training the Mind and Cultivating Loving Kindness